Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our SMA Anniversary

Thank you for the well wishes everyone. Life is crazy with SMA. We spent our Anniversary in 2 separate parts of our house. I was in the basement with Shira and Maxine was upstairs with Sammy who has a cold. We move downstairs to our basement the minute anyone starts showing signs of being ill in our house to try and keep Shira healthy. Sammy is feeling a lot better but he has one of those coughs that you get when your cold is breaking up so we didn't want to expose Shira to that. Maxine made a beautiful meal and we had some wine with dinner. I ate downstairs and Maxine ate upstairs. It seems crazy but Maxine and I are so on the same page with Shira's care and what we have to do to keep her healthy that we just do it and it just seems to make us stronger and closer. Since Shira's birth life seems to have really picked up speed. Our focus on Shira's care is so intense that life is just whizzing by faster than ever. Don't get me wrong as we have a lot of joy with Shira. The other day Shira and I went for a 2 hour walk in the pouring rain and yesterday Maxine and I went for an Anniversary walk with Shira. While its quite traditional for many of us to go out and celebrate our Anniversaries Maxine and I have been home the last 4 years on our anniversary sharing it with our children. Sammy was so excited to have a "small family party" as he put it. I don't remember any of my parents anniversaries because they were always seperated then divorced when I was so young. I can't imagine how Sammy is being influenced by constantly having both parents here for him and him being able to celebrate in our Anniversary and all the other events together. It's amazing how the worst case scenario (your child having a life threatening illness) also has such a positive aspect; the ability to draw the family closer together. We are thankful for what we have, the celebrations we get to share as a family and each day we get to spend together! Thank you for all the well wishes and out pouring of love and kind words.